餅乾變甜品:Oreo香蕉忌廉杯 Oreo Banana Cream Shot Dessert (Video)【惜食食譜】

食光光 EmptyplateActionHK
3 min readMay 18, 2020



  • 過熟香蕉
  • 放了5個月沒有吃的Oreo
  • 煮湯用剩的忌廉


ripe banana, cream, oreo


材料 4杯
過熟香蕉 3條
Oreo餅乾 10塊
重忌廉 170 ml
煉奶 5茶匙做法

  1. 香蕉剝皮後切粒,放冰格急凍,雪至冰硬(最好雪過夜)。
  2. 將Oreo的夾心和餅乾分開備用。
  3. 用攪拌機將餅乾攪碎(或可將餅放在密實袋中壓碎)。
  4. 用攪拌機將香蕉粒攪拌至順滑。
  5. 將香蕉蓉放入唧袋(擠花袋)後,放入冰格備用。
  6. 將忌廉打發至6 至7成企身,加入Oreo夾心拌勻,再稍稍打發至8成企身;放入唧袋備用。
  7. 預備4個小玻璃杯,把Oreo餅碎鋪在玻璃杯底層,然後唧上香蕉蓉,再唧上忌廉。
  8. 在忌廉上灑上Oreo餅碎作裝飾即成。
oreo crumb 餅碎
sliced banana 香蕉粒
香蕉蓉 banana puree
double cream stiff peak 忌廉八成打發
double cream in a piping bag 將忌廉放入唧袋
Oreo香蕉忌廉杯甜品 Oreo Banana Cream Shot Dessert
Oreo香蕉忌廉杯甜品 Oreo Banana Cream Shot Dessert

What dessert could we make with leftovers Oreo cookies and ripe bananas? Here is the recipe of Oreo Banana Cream Shot~!

Ingredients Serves 4
Ripe banana 3 pcs
Oreo cookies 10 pcs
Double Cream 170 ml
Condensed milk 5 tsp


  1. Peel and cut the banana into pieces. Freeze them overnight before use.
  2. Separate the Oreo cookies and fillings.
  3. Use a food processor to grind up the Oreo cookies until they become crumbs. Set aside.
  4. Puree the frozen banana until smooth in a food processor. Put the banana puree into a piping bag. Set aside in a freezer.
  5. Whip the double cream until soft peaks form. Add the fillings of Oreo and continue whipping until stiff peaks form.
  6. Put the whipped cream into a piping bag and set aside.
  7. Layer up the serving glasses with Oreo cookies crumbs, then some banana puree. Pipe the whipped cream on top.
  8. Dust some crushed Oreo crumbs over the top. Serve immediately.

食得唔好嘥 Reduce food waste, use leftovers


Emptyplate Action would keep sharing some leftovers recipe. Let’s discover various ways to use up our leftovers.




食光光 EmptyplateActionHK
食光光 EmptyplateActionHK

Written by 食光光 EmptyplateActionHK

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