南瓜飯 簡單易做【惜食食譜】Pumpkin Rice — Leftovers Recipe (Video)

食光光 EmptyplateActionHK
2 min readJun 8, 2020


南瓜 220克
白飯 一大碗
重忌廉 150ml
蒜蓉 適量


迷迭香 少許


  1. 南瓜去皮後切粒。
  2. 南瓜粒放進滾水中煮熟。
  3. 取出南瓜粒,用叉壓成蓉。
  4. 燒熱油,爆香蒜蓉,加入南瓜蓉略煮。加入忌廉拌勻,加入適量鹽和黑椒調味。若南瓜蓉太濃稠,可加入適量熱水。之後加入白飯拌勻,煮熱後熄火。
  5. 南瓜飯填滿飯碗,反轉扣入碟中。
  6. 放上迷迭香作裝飾。(非必要)
南瓜切粒 Pumpkin Chunks
Pumpkin puree 南瓜蓉
Pumpkin puree 南瓜蓉
南瓜飯 pumpkin rice
飯碗反轉 bowl upside down
南瓜飯 pumpkin rice


Pumpkin 220g
Leftover rice 1 bowl
Double cream 150ml
Minced Garlic
Black pepper


  1. Peel the pumpkin then cut into small chunks.
  2. Cook the pumpkin in a pan of boiling water until tender.
  3. Mash the pumpkin using a fork.
  4. Heat oil in a pan, add the minced garlic. Add the pumpkin puree to the pan, fry for 30 seconds. Add the double cream and mix well. Flavour it with salt and pepper. Taste and adjust for seasoning. Add the rice to the pumpkin puree. Heat and mix well.
  5. Put the rice into a bowl. Use a plate to cover the bowl. Turn the bowl upside down and so the rice comes out in a dome shape on the plate.
  6. Put the rosemary on top of the rice. (Optional)

食得唔好嘥 Reduce food waste, use leftovers


Emptyplate Action would keep sharing some leftovers recipe. Let’s discover various ways to use up our leftovers.




食光光 EmptyplateActionHK

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