【惜食食譜】蘋果麵包布甸 Apple Bread Pudding (影片 video)

食光光 EmptyplateActionHK
1 min readApr 13, 2020

食光光會不定推出「惜食食譜」,與大家分享利用家中「剩食」再造美食! 今次要消除的剩食是:


Bread pudding is a good way to use leftover bread and some fruits.

Apart from apple, banana or pear is also a good choice for making bread pudding.

Save your leftover bread and turn it into this classic dessert~

Emptyplate Action would keep sharing some leftovers recipe. Let’s discover various ways to use up our leftovers while staying at home~



食光光 EmptyplateActionHK

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