牛油果奶昔 | Use of overripe Avocado — Smoothie 【惜食食譜 Leftovers Recipe】

牛油果過熟 ,有少少黑,用來打奶昔都OK的,做早餐也不錯!

材料 (2–3杯份量)

過熟牛油果 3隻
牛奶 600ml
厚忌廉 150ml
糖砂糖 2tbsp


  1. 將牛油果起肉,將部份牛油果切片,預留6片作裝飾用,將其餘牛油果放進攪拌機。
  2. 將牛奶、厚忌廉和砂糖加進攪拌機,開機攪拌至順滑。
  3. 將牛油果奶昔倒入玻杯,放上牛油果片作裝飾。

One of the best things to do with overripe avocados is smoothie~ Try turning your overripe avocados into delicious smoothie~

Ingredients Serves 2–3

3 pcs Ripe Avocado
600ml Milk
150ml Double Cream
2tbsp Sugar


  1. Stone and peel the avocados. Cut some of the avocado into 5–6 slices for garnish.
  2. Blend avocado, milk, double cream and sugar in a blender until smooth.
  3. Pour the avocado milkshake into glasses.
  4. Garnish with sliced avocado.



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