紅桑子果醬 Raspberry Jam【惜食食譜 Leftovers Recipe】

食光光 EmptyplateActionHK
1 min readJan 14, 2021


紅桑子 420克
砂糖 210克
檸檬(榨汁) 半個*

  1. 先將玻璃樽和蓋子清洗乾淨,放進大鍋中,加入冷水後煮沸,烚約10分鐘後,倒轉瀝乾備用。
  2. 將紅桑子放入鍋中,開中火,加入糖略煮。再加入檸檬汁,以中火煮約5分鐘,其間不時攪拌。
  3. 調低至小火,煮約20分鐘,將果醬煮至濃稠,其間不時攪拌以防止煮焦。
  4. 趁熱將果醬倒進玻璃樽,放涼後蓋上樽蓋。放入雪櫃可以保存約一個月。

Raspberry 420g
Sugar 210g
Juice of half a lemon*
*Adjust the flavor to your taste

  1. Before you start, sterilize your jar. Put the jar and lid in a deep saucepan. Cover with cold water and bring to boil. Boil for 10 minutes. Carefully place the jars on a baking tray. Allow to air dry.
  2. In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the raspberries and sugar. Then add lemon juice, stirring frequently, cook for 5 minutes until the mixture is boiling.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium-low. Simmer and stir frequently. Cook until the mixture has thickened. This takes about 20 minutes.
  4. Transfer the jam to the glass jar. Let the jam cook completely before covering and refrigerating.

食得唔好嘥 Reduce food waste, use leftovers


Empty Plate Action would keep sharing some leftovers recipe. Let’s discover various ways to use up leftovers.



食光光 EmptyplateActionHK

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